My heartfelt gratitude to the many people who helped me document my father's work, and to make this web-site a reality:
Dan Beard, for the many hours he spent with me on the design of this web-site; Arch MacInnes for help with documentation, text editing, and PhotoShop work; Paul Fero, for all you did, and for saving my butt so many times during this entire process; Mark Freund, Richard Freund, Matt Hausle, John Morton, Emily Soltanoff, and Rebecca Young for help with data collection and documentation; Dan Friedman, for being my constant sounding board, and always steering me in the right direction; Tamar Morad, for help with text editing; Kathy Brown, for always being there; Jon Touster, for supplying archival photographs; Nelson Fero, for help with artwork transport; Stephen Petegorsky, for help with lighting; Lance, Adrienne, and Zach Zabriskie, for being great Woodstock neighbors; and to my brother, David Touster, who I thank for almost everything!